I tested it for a few days, and the memory usage was about the same. The 64-bit version was only introduced in version v 0.70 which was released about 10 days ago. Note: I had been using an older version of the program (v 0.65) when I began reviewing it. Musikcube is an excellent option if you want a minimalist music experience. It was very light in terms of memory usage. I only tested MP3 and FLAC formats, but the program supports other formats as well.
Then again, I believe audio (and video) quality depends on the hardware that you use. I didn't find any major difference in the playback quality between Musikcube and Musicbee.Then again, I think that hardware plays more of a role when it comes to quality than audio players if the same files are used to test the quality. Tap the v key to bring up available visualizers such as the Music drop plugin. You can change the theme of Musikcube from the Settings page. It still displays track information such as the track number, total duration and artist though. The tracks view is quite similar to the Filter view, except it only displays the songs from your library.